Did You Hear That Correctly?

My ex used to literally make me sick. I would get headaches after our conversations. My stomach would hurt before our dates. I would feel tired and drained after spending long periods of time with him. I even broke out with a huge rash before meeting his parents! (Ok, so it turns out the rash was an allergic reaction to …

How To Snag A Rich Guy

I don’t know if there’s something in the water, but lately I’ve gotten a fair number of questions about dating and marrying wealthy. I’m going to answer that question. But first, I have thoughts… Firstly, you do not need a man for anything, including money. You are more than capable of earning your ideal salary. A great man adds to …

The Danger of Settling

Do me a favor. Close your eyes, and recall your past relationships. In how many of those relationships were you settling? Women settle wayyy too often in relationships. Has this ever happened to you? You meet a man, and he’s interested in you, but you are not interested in him. But after he pursues you for a few weeks or …

Struggle Love is Not Real

“I gave him everything, and he still left!” That’s what I said to myself as I blasted Adele’s “21” album, and journaled. (Side note- can you believe it’s been ten years since that album came out?) I had just ended a four-year relationship with a man I thought I loved, and I thought I would marry. We went through so …

Even Dating Experts Mess This One Up

My birthday was earlier this month, and my hubby decided to surprise me with a trip to the spa. He dropped me off, and when he returned, the receptionist told him the services I got, and how much it would be. He immediately looked at me with a confused face. Immediately, I got worried. He told me he was treating …


I had a woman reach out to me, and ask if it’s possible to attract a partner right now. Let me offer this story… My husband got ticked off because a guy hit on me at Walmart. We had separated to look for different things, and my husband came back to me just in time to see me showing my …

Assessing Your Relationship Priorities

What’s REALLY important in your relationships? In this video, I explain why now more than ever, it’s important nail down your priorities, wants, and needs before dating.

Four Investments Your Partner Should Make in You

When it comes to a healthy relationship, loving the person is not enough. You should only invest in someone who is also willing to invest in you. In the video below, I talk about the four investments a partner must be willing to make in you before you commit.

The Danger of Pride

You are not meant to live this life alone. You’re meant to be abundant – and abundantly supported. But too many people – women especially – let their pride get in the way of that. Watch the video below for why pride and ego are wrecking your relationships.

What It Means to Embody Being a Wife

Here’s what soooo many women get wrong about becoming a wife: Most women believe that the key to attracting the right partner is in doing things. They spend all of their time trying to dress a certain way, or be perfect at cooking and cleaning, or show their value through career accomplishments. Here’s the truth: becoming the type of women …