No matter how much you’d like to deny it, appearances matter. And one of the quickest ways to kill your chances of a great relationship is not being concerned with how you look on social media.
Think about it. How often do get a date, and immediately go search for the guy’s Facebook or Instagram profile? How often do you meet a guy, and he asks if you’re on Facebook?
Here are my tips to creating a great brand to help you be more attractive to potential dates:
1) So often, I women tell me that the men they meet only want sex. Well, is that what you’re selling? The occasional suggestive outfit is fine, but if you’ve filled your profile with those types of pictures, you’ll want to change that.
2) How is your attitude? Are you constantly complaining – about your job, your family, your love life – on social media? Do you really think a man wants to be around a woman who is negative all the time?
3) While we’re on the subject, what about those memes? Are you constantly posting or sharing memes about how men are dogs, or cheaters, or how there are no good men out there? Any man who sees that is going to assume that you’ll feel the same way about him. Even you are sharing them, and not the original poster, you are cosigning it.
4) Are there a LOT of men who are in your life? There’s nothing wrong with having male friends – I have them myself. But if you are constantly posting pictures of them, a man is going to assume he has a lot of competition, and he might be too intimidated to step up. And if the men you’re taking pictures with are your dad, brother, uncle, etc – make it VERY clear in the caption! And even be judicious with those. Men are going to wonder if your male relatives “let” you date, or if their constant presence is a sign that they are overbearing.
5) How well-rounded are you? Are all of your pictures of you partying? Are they all pictures of you at church? Do you only take selfies at work? Do you have no pictures of yourself, and only share memes and new articles? Men want a woman who’s well-rounded. Mix up what you post.
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