Did anyone else get knocked on their rear end at the end of 2020?
I spent November, December, and the beginning of January majorly sick. And it was the best thing that happened to me.
Because during this period, I re-learned the value of rest. I had plenty of days in which I was forced to stay in bed. And I’ve finally gotten back to the place of choosing to take better care of myself again.
“In vain you rise early, and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for He grants sleep to those he loves.” Psalm 127:2 (NIV)
When I first went on my journey to heal from my past relationships, and embrace being cherished, rest was a big part of my journey. And as I embraced rest:
- I became more attractive (beauty rest is a real thing)
- I was more efficient at work
- My energy was softer and more approachable
- I got asked out more often
- As I stepped back from doing all the things for others, people started stepping up and taking care of me.
But I had fallen away from that. In trying to reach some goals for my business, make the holidays “perfect” for my husband, and move from my old house, I was working all day, every day. And I burned out. I gained weight. And I was feeling less cherished by husband.
Here’s what I found out during those sick days. My husband was doing less because I wasn’t letting him do anything. When I had no choice but to let him take care of me, he cooked more, gave more gifts, and became more affectionate. Our relationship went back to how it usually is, the way it is when I prioritize taking care of myself, and give to others out of the energy I have once I’m rested.
If you are feeling less attractive, less motivated, and just overall blah right now, I encourage you to embrace your femininity by embracing rest. Here’s how you do that:
- Set aside time in your calendar each week to do something that takes care of you. That could be a trip to the spa, or a walk, or listening to your favorite podcast or playlist.
- Can you invest money somewhere to get more time back? That could be paying a laundry service, hiring a meal prep service (hint: use a company’s free trial!), or hire someone to clean your house or apartment once.
- Schedule a nap.
- Keep track of what you eat. Keep a food diary for a week. Are there certain foods that make you feel great? Foods that make you bloat, or feel sluggish? Start cutting out things that don’t make you feel good.
- Move your body. You will rest better if you are taking the time every day to stretch, or do yoga, or dance.
- Say no more often. People will live, the world will keep going, if the people in your life have to sometimes do something for themselves.
Tell me: How good are you at resting? What’s one thing you can do to rest more?