Confidently Cherished Podcast Episode 30: Life After Divorce With Jeanell Greene

Life after divorce can be challenging for people who went through it. Divorce can leave you upside down, depressed, and traumatized. In this podcast episode, Keshia Rice talks to marriage expert and coach Jeanell Greene about how to heal after a divorce. Listen to this informative and enlightening conversation straight from the hearts of two relationship experts who also happen …

Confidently Cherished Podcast Episode 27: Life After an Abusive Relationship With Chantal Cox

In this podcast, we are joined by Chantal Cox special educator, author, speaker and Transformation NeuroCoach™. We discussed overcoming an abusive relationship, how it changed her and how it made her who she is today and the important of having a circle of people who love you and support you.  Check out Chantal’s Transformation Action Plan Survey at It …

Did You Hear That Correctly?

My ex used to literally make me sick. I would get headaches after our conversations. My stomach would hurt before our dates. I would feel tired and drained after spending long periods of time with him. I even broke out with a huge rash before meeting his parents! (Ok, so it turns out the rash was an allergic reaction to …

How To Snag A Rich Guy

I don’t know if there’s something in the water, but lately I’ve gotten a fair number of questions about dating and marrying wealthy. I’m going to answer that question. But first, I have thoughts… Firstly, you do not need a man for anything, including money. You are more than capable of earning your ideal salary. A great man adds to …

Confidently Cherished Podcast Episode 26: Glorifying Struggle Love

Is it normal for women to be hurt repeatedly in the process of loving? In this podcast episode, Keshia Rice strongly disagrees with women glorifying struggle love or a relationship where one partner, especially the woman, succumbs to stress due to her partner’s actions or inactions in the course of the relationship. If women keep on glorifying struggle love, then …

The Danger of Settling

Do me a favor. Close your eyes, and recall your past relationships. In how many of those relationships were you settling? Women settle wayyy too often in relationships. Has this ever happened to you? You meet a man, and he’s interested in you, but you are not interested in him. But after he pursues you for a few weeks or …