Confidently Cherished Podcast Episode 16: Forgiveness

“We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love…” – Martin Luther King, Jr.  In this podcast episode, dating and relationship expert Keshia Rice talks about the concept of forgiveness not only as part of romantic relationships but also with family relations, and friendships. …

Confidently Cherished Podcast Episode 14: Why Ghosting Hurts

Imagine you’re constantly dating someone to the point that you already have developed an affection for that person. This person suddenly stops communicating with you in any form – text message, phone calls, or chats—leaving you confused with what’s going on. How would you react? You’d probably feel so down in the dumps. Does it hurt? Yes, it sure does. …

Confidently Cherished Podcast Episode 13: Attachment Styles

Are you having relationship issues? It may have something to do with the attachment style you developed in your early childhood with your primary caregivers like your parents or grandparents or someone who provided your necessities. In this podcast episode, Keshia tackles the four types of attachment styles in relation to the idea that the emotional connection we experienced as …

Confidently Cherished Episode 11: Setting Intentions Before a Date

How do you go about getting that high-value man to date from an empowered place? Want to be that attractive woman for the man you want to date?  Get tips from Keshia on how to set an intention for a date (be it in-person or with coronavirus restrictions) before dating a man in this podcast. 

Confidently Cherished Episode 10: The Case for Celibacy

Keshia talks about abstinence and celibacy particularly for women in this podcast episode. She provides an in-depth definition of celibacy and how it differs from abstinence in the context of sexual relations. Listen to this podcast to know more of the reasons why abstinence is ideal and important for the mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of your life.