Confidently Cherished Podcast Episode 16: Forgiveness

“We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love…” – Martin Luther King, Jr. 

In this podcast episode, dating and relationship expert Keshia Rice talks about the concept of forgiveness not only as part of romantic relationships but also with family relations, and friendships. The idea of forgiveness following a breakup or relationship failure is an essential part of the action process. Learn how to go about the process of forgiveness until you achieve a complete sense of healing so you can achieve freedom and peace from the situation. 

Why it is necessary to thank the person who hurt you in this process? Why is it important to release the person even if you still want that person back in your life? These and all you will figure out when you listen to this podcast episode.

Looking to finally heal from toxic relationships and attract healthy and aligned ones? Schedule a call with Keshia here:

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