Confidently Cherished Episode 7 – Camy Kennedy on How to Beat Perfectionism

In this podcast episode, Keshia is guesting with mindset and life coach Camy Kennedy to talk about perfectionism among women in particular. 

Camy believes that perfectionism is not always a good thing as it blocks you from achieving your goals and desires in life. She also shares how she works with clients to help them overcome perfectionism and move forward in action. 

In this podcast, Camy offers tips and practical examples of how we can sharpen our minds through affirmations, prayers and meditations as part of overcoming perfectionism. She also tackles how perfectionism could affect dating and relationships, taking into account her personal experiences of being into a nine-year relationship that just led to nowhere and that of her relationship with her husband now.

She firmly believes that there are certain things in life that you’re not ready to even learn until you reach certain ages. 

If you are a perfectionist, go check Camy Kennedy on her website

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