Is it normal for women to be hurt repeatedly in the process of loving? In this podcast episode, Keshia Rice strongly disagrees with women glorifying struggle love or a relationship where one partner, especially the woman, succumbs to stress due to her partner’s actions or inactions in the course of the relationship. If women keep on glorifying struggle love, then …
Confidently Cherished Podcast Episode 25: The Proverbs 31 Woman
This podcast episode deals with the verses in Proverbs 31 on our conduct as women of God. Find out what God is telling us, women, in Proverbs 31 when it comes to relationships. Listen to Keshia Rice as she defines the Proverbs 31 woman in the aspects of femininity, priorities and principles, and business. Visit for more podcasts on …
Confidently Cherished Podcast Episode 24: Why Chemistry is Overrated
While chemistry is an essential component of every relationship, it alone does not guarantee a successful and lasting relationship. In this podcast episode, Keshia Rice explains why women should look beyond compatibility and chemistry when entering into relationships. What should be essential for a relationship between two people to survive? Visit for more tips and advice on how to …
Confidently Cherished Podcast Episode 23: What Is Gaslighting
Is someone in your life controlling you in some aspects like who you can hang out with or what activities you are allowed to do? You might be a victim of gaslighting, a form of manipulation and brainwashing that causes you to doubt yourself even to the point of you questioning your sanity. In today’s episode of Confidently Cherished, Keshia …
Confidently Cherished Podcast Episode 22: Keys To Great Relationship
Do you sometimes wonder why you keep on attracting broken people and bad relationships into your life? In this podcast episode, Keshia Rice explains the major key to having great relationships, which has something to do with yourself. Keshia believes that you can only attain and experience your ideal relationship when you can resolve the personal issues you had in …
Confidently Cherished Podcast Episode 21: How To Use Discernment
One of the dilemmas most women encounter when dating and looking for “the one” is how to tell good quality men from the jerks. How do you separate the great pretenders from the real deal? Well, the answer is this gift from God known as discernment and you will get to know more of this when you listen to today’s …
Confidently Cherished Podcast Episode 20: Are All Men Dogs?
We all want to be loved, cherished and self-assured in our intimate relationships. So what happens when you’re dealing with someone you can barely tolerate? Is it appropriate to say all men are dogs? In this episode of Confidently Cherished, Keshia tells women to refrain from posting negativities about men and relationships on social media. While it is true that …
Confidently Cherished Podcast Episode 19: Moving Too Fast
Imagine you and your partner are only seeing each other for like a few weeks or months yet he already pushed this idea of moving in with you or even marrying you. In the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, people seem to rush into relationships for various reasons. There’s nothing wrong with moving too fast in a relationship, but if …
Confidently Cherished Podcast Episode 18: Emotional Intimacy
Are you dating a person who has trust issues, who keeps on complaining about other people, or has a hard time expressing his feelings? This podcast episode will be of great help to you. In this episode, Keshia Rice tackles emotional intimacy in a relationship. Here, she talks about how to recognize whether you’re dating or attracting an emotionally unavailable …
Confidently Cherished Podcast Episode 17: How To Apologize
We’re only human. We’re prone to commit mistakes. Even with the best intentions and for good reasons, it’s easy to slip up. That’s why we apologize to someone we hurt. We say sorry for any inconvenience we caused as a result of what we’ve done. But how do we genuinely say sorry to someone we’ve messed up or hurt? What …