It happens every time. I scroll through Facebook, looking for funny memes and cute baby pictures, and I come across posts like these:

“It will all be better soon.”
“People just don’t want to see you win.”
“Determined to get it right this time.”

Then there’s the “thirst trap hospital post.” You know, the picture of an IV or hospital bracelet, with no explanation of why the person is in the hospital.

Here’s why you’ll never get the response you want from vaguebooking:

Reason #1: Why Post If You Don’t Want People To Know About It?
This is the worst. Someone makes the post, and another person falls for the trap and asks what’s wrong. The original poster then either has to add to the mystery (“I’ll call you, I don’t want everyone in my business.”), or gets defensive (“Why are you so nosy? I don’t want to talk about it.”) You wanna know how to keep people out of your business? Stop inviting people to comment on your business.

Reason #2: People Can and Will Assume the Worst About Your Life
If you aren’t going to give your friends the story, trust and believe they will make it up. They will assume you’re dying instead of dehydrated. They will think you’re vaguebooking about them – and possibly post an equally vague post about you. Avoid the confusion. Explain, or don’t post.

Reason #3: You Look Thirsty AF
The struggle for attention is real. You feel like you aren’t getting enough likes and comments, so you post something mysterious to get attention. In reality, your vague posts have the opposite effect. People are going to start paying less attention to you. Most of us aren’t on Facebook for drama. You want more attention? Post pictures and stories that start conversations. Share interesting articles. Or you can be less vague! If you feel the need to share that you’re having a bad day, at least explain why.

Reason #4: You are WAY too passive aggressive.
These are the posts that sound something like “I’m so angry!” or “I guess you can’t trust anyone.” You have a problem with someone? Have you considered being an adult, and talking to them? Even if they don’t give the response you want, I promise it will be more satisfying than the vague post your “friends” will either ignore or misinterpret.

Reason #5: No Real Connection Comes From It
Most of your Facebook friends are people you don’t want to connect with in real life. Why are you reaching out to them? If you really did to talk to someone, why not call, text, or make a lunch date with a friend? All you’re going to get from your Vaguebook post is a) nosiness, b) annoyance, or c) people who will stop caring as soon as they scroll to the next post.

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